Terms of Service

Last Updated: 20th September 2023

1. Welcome to Medflix!

We’ve drafted these Terms of Service or End User License Agreement which apply to all visitors, users and others who wish to access or use the Medflix Platform. This document describes in detail your rights and our rights relating to the provision of Service, so please review these Terms carefully.

When you use Medflix, you're agreeing to the Terms of use as outlined in this document. If you disagree with any part of these terms, then you do not have permission to access our services. We also encourage you to give our Privacy Policy a careful read as your privacy matters to us.

1.1. Our Service: Medflix is an online platform that supports and facilitates the live online viewing of educational videos or knowledge sessions hosted by the Creators or Experts on the Medflix Platform and we act as an intermediary between the Experts and the Users.

1.2. Definitions: For this Terms of Use, wherever the context so requires "You" or “Member” shall mean a person who has agreed to become a registered user on Medflix to explore, attend or host events by providing Registration Data. The term "We", "Us", "Our" shall refer to the Medflix platform.

  • User: The person or entity registering to use and take benefits directly or indirectly from the platform of Medflix mobile applications. This includes Members as well as creators.
  • Creators: The person or entity registered to create a club or host an online event on the Medflix app.
  • Members: The person or entity registering to browse, explore or attend any event or club.
  • Non-Members: The person or entity taking direct or indirect benefits from the platform of Medflix by visiting, browsing, or in any other manner who cannot be termed as a registered user would fall within the purview of non-members.

2. Who may use the Service?

2.1. Age: You should be more than 18 years old to create an account on Medflix. If you are not, your parent or legal guardian must consent to this Terms of Service and affirm that they accept this Agreement on your behalf and bear responsibility for your use.

2.2. Profession: You must be a medical professional i.e. either a Doctor registered in your country, or a medical student, or a representative of a healthcare organization/ body, or any other user authorized by Medflix.

2.3. Healthcare Organization: If you are using the Service on behalf of a company or organisation, you represent that you have authority to act on behalf of that entity and that such entity accepts this Agreement.

3. Your Account

3.1. Registration: When you set up a profile on Medflix as aMember, you will be asked to provide certain information about yourself (Name, Email, Mobile Number, Specialty, City, Interest areas and Profile picture). If you are a Creator, then you will also be asked some additional details about the club and the live discussions you want to set up.

3.2. Account Security: The sign-in on Medflix is authorized by the One-time password (OTP) received on your registered mobile number. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your OTP and account. And you are fully responsible for any and all activities that occur under your OTP or account. Therefore, we strongly urge you not to share your OTP with anyone as Medflix will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the above.

3.3. Your Information/ Privacy Policy: We will treat the information you provide as part of registration in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By use of Medflix, you agree to accept our Privacy Policy, regardless of whether you are a registered user.

4. Your Content and Our Content

4.1. Content on the Service: The content on the Service includes videos, audio (for example music and other sounds), graphics, photos, presentations, text (such as comments and scripts), interactive features or any other form of content in the club or during the live discussions.

4.2. Your Content: The Medflix Platform enables (or will enable) creators to post texts, photos, videos, audios, links, and files (ppts, pdfs etc) to share with others. All material that you upload, publish or display to others via the Medflix Platform will be referred to collectively as “Your Content.” You acknowledge and agree that, as part of using the Medflix Platform, Your Content may be viewed by the general public. You retain ownership of the copyright and other intellectual property on Your Content, subject to the non-exclusive rights granted to us below.

  • License and Permission to Use Your Content.
    • You (creators) expressly and voluntarily give us permission to record and share the live sessions hosted by you with the attendees of that discussion or members of your club.
    • By sharing Your Content on Medflix, you grant Medflix and its affiliated companies a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, fully paid up, transferable, sublicensable (through multiple tiers), license to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, create derivative works from, publish, transmit, store, display and distribute, and otherwise use Your Content in connection with the use of Medflix Platform or the promotion, advertising, marketing thereof, in any and all media or distribution methods (now known or later developed). This license also includes the right for other Medflix users to use and modify Your Content, subject to our Terms of Service.
    • You acknowledge and agree that Medflix may preserve Your Content and may also disclose Your Content and related information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) comply with legal process, applicable laws or government requests; (b) enforce these Terms of Service; (c) respond to claims that any of Your Content violates the rights of third parties; (d) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues; or (e) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Medflix, its users, its affiliates, its employees, its partners or the public.
    • You understand that we may modify, adapt, or create derivative works from Your Content in order to transmit, display or distribute it over computer networks, devices, service providers, and in various media. We also may remove or refuse to publish Your Content, in whole or part, at any time.
    • You further give us the permission and authority to act as your nonexclusive agent to take enforcement action against any unauthorized use by third parties of any of Your Content outside of the Medflix Platform or in violation of our Terms of Service.
  • Your Responsibilities for Your Content: By posting Your Content on the Medflix Platform, you represent and warrant to us that you have the ownership rights, or licenses or permissions from any necessary parties, to use Your Content. You also acknowledge that posting Your Content violates no intellectual property or personal right of others or any applicable law or regulation.

    You accept full responsibility for avoiding infringement of the intellectual property or personal rights of others or violation of laws and regulations in connection with Your Content. You are responsible for ensuring that Your Content does not violate Medflix’s Acceptable Use Policy, Copyright Policy, Trademark Policy, other published Medflix policy, or any applicable law or regulation. You agree to pay all royalties, fees, and any other monies owed to any person by reason of Your Content.

4.3. Reservation: Using the Service does not give you ownership of or rights to any aspect of the Service, including user names, your club names or any other Content shared by others or Medflix.

5. User Conduct and Community Guidelines

Medflix reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone who violates this provision, including without limitation, removing the offending content from the Service, suspending or terminating the account of such violators and reporting you to the law enforcement authorities. Medflix hereby grants you permission to access and use the Medflix Platform as outlined in these Terms of Use.

5.1. Account: Here are some commitments you make to us relating to creating and maintaining your Medflix profile (identity) and the security of your account.

  • You must provide your real names and information at the time of registration and must keep the information accurate and updated.
  • You will not create an account for anyone other than yourself or the organisation that you are authorised to represent, without written permission from Medflix.
  • You will not create more than one personal account.
  • If you already have an account that has been suspended by Medflix, you shall not create a new account without written permission from Medflix.
  • You will not share your One-time password (OTP), let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account. You agree to immediately notify Medflix of any unauthorized use of your OTP or account or any other breach of security.
  • You will not transfer your account to anyone without written permission from Medflix.
  • If and when you select/ edit a username or similar identifier for your account or profile page, we reserve the right to remove or reclaim it if we believe it is appropriate to do so, such as when a trademark owner or another user complains about a username that does not closely relate to a user's actual name.

5.2. Content Use: In addition to the general restrictions mentioned above, the following limitations and conditions shall apply to your use of the Content.

  • You may access Content for your information and personal use solely as intended through the provided functionality on the Medflix Platform and as permitted under these Terms and Conditions.
  • You shall not download or share any Content unless you see a “download” or “share” button or icon or similar link displayed by Medflix on the Medflix Platform for that User Content.
  • You shall not copy, reproduce, make available online, publish, adapt, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, or otherwise exploit any Content for any other purposes other than as provided herein without the prior written consent of Medflix or the respective licensors of the User Content. Medflix and its licensors reserve all rights not expressly granted in and to the Medflix Platform and the User Content.
  • You agree not to circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Medflix Platform or features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of any Content or enforce limitations on the use of the Medflix Platform or the Content therein.
  • You understand that when using the Medflix Platform, you will be exposed to Content from a variety of sources and by different Creators/ Experts /other members and that Medflix is not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or intellectual property rights of or relating to such User Content.
  • You further understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to Content that is inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable, and you agree to waive, and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against Medflix with respect thereto, and, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

5.3. General Community Guidelines:

  • You agree not to alter or modify any part of the Medflix Platform.
  • You may not engage in abuse, bullying, or harassment of any person or groups of people.
  • You may not discriminate against, engage in hateful conduct directed at, or threaten violence or harm against any person or groups of people.
  • You may not engage in intentionally disruptive activity that negatively affects the experience of other users.
  • You may not spread false information or spam, or artificially amplify or suppress information.
  • You may not share or promote information that is intended or likely to cause harm to any person or groups of people, including minors.
  • You may not use the service for the purpose of conducting any unauthorized or illegal activities.
  • Partially true, misleading, alarming or abjectly false statements or rumours may potentially spread across the world and may lead to unintended, unforeseen and grave consequences. Please be careful of the veracity and authenticity of the data you share, consume and propagate on Medflix.
  • Before sharing or using someone else’s copyrighted works, trademarks, private information, or trade secrets on Medflix; please make sure you have the legal right to do so.
  • You will not use Medflix’s services to harass, abuse, or send other unwelcome communications to people (e.g., junk mail, spam, chain letters, and phishing schemes) and any such action may invite account suspension or a legal action.
  • You will not use Medflix’s services to intentionally infect others with viruses, worms, or other software that can destroy or interrupt their data or computer devices.

6. Our License to you

Subject to these Terms of use and Privacy Policy, Medflix hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, limited license to use the Medflix Platform in accordance with these terms below.

6.1. You agree and acknowledge that Medflix shall have the right at any time to change or discontinue any aspect or feature of the Medflix Platform, including, but not limited to, the User Content, hours of availability and equipment/software needed for access or use. Medflix reserves the right to refuse your access to the Medflix Platform, terminate Accounts, remove or edit contents without any notice to You.

6.2. Though Medflix is free to access and use, it reserves the right to introduce new services including any premium or paid services (like paid clubs, paid discussions, etc) or modify or discontinue any existing services provided on the Platform. We may have some premium features in the near future that require fees and Medflix reserves the right to charge for the same. The company at its sole discretion may introduce fees for the new services including for any premium services or amend & introduce fees for the existing services, as the case may be.

6.3. We may terminate our license to you at any time for any reason. We have the right but not the obligation to refuse to distribute any content on Medflix or to remove content. Except for the rights and licenses granted in these terms, we reserve all other rights and grant no other rights or licenses, implied or otherwise.

7. Payment terms on Medflix

If and when you decide to opt for a service that we offer for a fee, either on a one-time or subscription basis, you give Medflix consent to storing your payment information. You also agree to pay the applicable fees (including, but not limited to, periodic fees for premium accounts) as they become due plus all related taxes, and to reimburse us for all collection costs and interest for any overdue amounts.

Failure to pay may result in the termination of your subscription. Depending on where you transact with us, the type of payment method used and where your payment method was issued, your transaction with us may be subject to foreign exchange fees or differences in prices because of exchange rates. Medflix does not support all payment methods, currencies or locations for payment. If the payment method you use with us, such as a credit card, reaches its expiration date and you do not edit your payment method information or cancel your account or such Service, you authorize us to continue billing that payment method and you remain responsible for any uncollected amounts. Your obligation to pay fees continues through the end of the subscription period during which you cancel your subscription. All applicable taxes are calculated based on the billing information you provide us at the time of purchase.

If and when you do make a payment and need access to an invoice of the same, please write to us.

8. Medflix Refund Policy

At Medflix, we strive to provide you with the best experience when participating in our paid conferences or events. However, we understand that circumstances may arise where you need to request a refund. Please review our refund policy below:

8.1. Refund Eligibility: Please note that Medflix does not guarantee refunds for lack of usage or dissatisfaction. Duplicate payments or other unique situations will be evaluated individually, and refunds may be granted based on these special circumstances.

8.2. Refund Requests and processing:

  • To request a refund, please contact our support team at +91 9023729662 or write to us at support@medflix.app within 2-3 working days of your transaction.
  • Once your refund request is received, we will review it and notify you of the status of your refund within the next 24 - 48 working hours.
  • In cases where you are eligible to receive a refund please share your purchase details in the form of invoice generated during the time of payment and your contact details for us to verify before we process your refund. We advise you to maintain a proof of payment for all payments done on our website. In absence of proof of payment the refund will not be processed.
  • If the request is approved, the refund will be processed within 5 to 7 working days based on your bank, and a credit will be automatically applied to your original payment method.

8.3. Support: If you have any questions about our refund policy, please contact us at support@medflix.app. We are here to assist you and ensure your experience with Medflix is a positive one.

9. Account Suspension & Termination

You may stop using the Service at any time and deactivate your account by sending the request by email at support@medflix.app. Also, Medflix may suspend or terminate your account if:

  • You materially or repeatedly breach this Agreement or Privacy policy;
  • We are required to do so to comply with a legal requirement or a court order; or
  • We believe there has been conduct that creates (or could create) liability or harm to any user, other third parties, Medflix or our Affiliates.

Medflix may reactivate a suspended member’s account on being satisfactorily convinced that he/she was not guilty or made a genuine mistake or is apologetic and undertakes to not indulge in similar activities in the future.

9.1. Notice for Termination or Suspension: We will notify you of the reason for termination or suspension by Medflix unless we reasonably believe that to do so:

  • would violate the law or the direction of a legal enforcement authority, or would otherwise risk legal liability for Medflix or our Affiliates;
  • would compromise an investigation or the integrity or operation of the Service; or
  • would cause harm to any user, other third parties, Medflix or our Affiliates; or
  • In case you are not a medical professional.

9.2. Rights to Access, Correct, or Delete Your Information, and Closing Your Account: You have a right to (1) access, modify, update or delete your personal information controlled by Medflix regarding your profile and (2) close your account.

In case you delete your account, all your content (profile information, videos, comments that you have posted) shall be deleted permanently except your public profile may still be displayed in search engine results until the search engine refreshes its cache. (Also refer to section 8 [Data Retention ] in Privacy Policy)

10. Confidentiality

Medflix’s endeavour is always to ensure reasonable efforts to maintain confidentiality but does not represent or warrant maintaining the confidentiality of information. All communications between the Parties and all confidential information given to or received by You from Medflix, and all information concerning the business transactions of the Medflix with any entity or person with whom it may or may not have a confidentiality obligation with regard to the matter in question, shall be kept confidential by You unless specifically permitted to the contrary in writing by Medflix. Further Medflix may at any time disclose any confidential information on a confidential basis to any prospective and current investors, strategic or financial partners or service providers other than Users of the Platform. This confidentiality obligation shall survive the termination of this agreement with the concerned User.

11. Disclaimers:

We are providing you with the Medflix platform, along with our content and materials and the opportunity to connect with other medical professionals, on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Medflix disclaims all responsibility for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting from, arising out of or in any way related to:

  • errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies on the service, including but not limited to technical inaccuracies and typographical errors,
  • any viruses or malicious code transmitted to or through the service by any third party;
  • user’s use of any equipment or software in connection with this app or website.
  • personal injury or property damage resulting from your use of the service;
  • any unauthorized use of the service;
  • any interruption or cessation of the service or any portion thereof;
  • any content whether submitted by a user or medflix, including your use of the content; and/or
  • the removal or unavailability of any content.

12. Indemnity & Limitation of Liability

You agree to release, indemnify, and defend Medflix Entities from all third-party claims and costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or related to i) your use of the Medflix Platform, ii) Your Content, iii) your conduct or interactions with other users of the Medflix Platform, or iv) your breach of any part of this Agreement.

We will promptly notify you of any such claim and will provide you (at your expense) with reasonable assistance in defending the claim. You will allow us to participate in the defense and will not settle any such claim without our prior written consent. We reserve the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you. In that event, you will have no further obligation to defend us in that matter.

12.1. Except as required by applicable law, Medflix, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents will not be liable for any loss, injury, claim, liability or damage of any kind resulting from the unavailability of the content, interruption of the services provided hereunder, or arising out of or in connection with use of the user account.

12.2. We do not undertake any liability whatsoever with regard to the identity of the user including their qualifications and their background etc. It is completely the duty of the person dealing with any persons or entities on Medflix to verify and then get involved in any kind of activity.

12.3. The services may contain links to third-party websites or resources. You acknowledge and agree that the Medflix affiliates are not responsible or liable for: (i) the availability or accuracy of such websites or resources; or (ii) the content, products, or services on or available from such websites or resources. Links to such websites or resources do not imply any endorsement by Medflix of such websites or resources or the content, products, or services available from such websites or resources. You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any such websites or resources.

12.4. Be aware when you leave the Service by the use of a third party link or resources on Medflix; we suggest you read the terms and privacy policy of each third-party website and online service that you visit.

  • Neither Medflix nor any of our subsidiaries, affiliated companies, suppliers, employees, shareholders, or directors (“Medflix affiliates”) shall be cumulatively liable for (a) any damages in excess of five times the most recent monthly fee that the user paid for a premium service, if any, or INR 1000, whichever amount is lower. The limitations of this subsection shall apply to any theory of liability, whether based on warranty, contract, statute, and tort (including negligence) or otherwise, and whether or not the Medflix entities have been informed of the possibility of any such damage, and even if a remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose.

13. Dispute Redressal and Arbitration

In the event of any dispute, difference or question arising out of or in respect of this agreement or the commission of any breach of any terms thereof or compensation payable thereof or in any manner whatsoever in connection with it, the same shall be referred to a sole arbitrator appointed or such other person mutually acceptable to both the parties, for arbitration and the decision or award so given shall be binding on the parties hereto. Arbitration would be governed by the laws of India.

13.1. The venue of the arbitration proceedings shall be in Ahmedabad and the language of the arbitration shall be English. The laws of Gujarat and India will govern the dispute, as well as any claim that might arise between users and Medflix, without regard to conflict of law provisions.

13.2. If anyone brings a claim against us related to your actions, content or information on Medflix, you must indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including reasonable legal fees and costs) related to such claim. Although we provide rules for user conduct, we do not control or direct users' actions on Medflix and are not responsible for the content or information users transmit or share on Medflix. We are not responsible for any offensive, inappropriate, obscene, unlawful or otherwise objectionable content or information you may encounter on Medflix. We are not responsible for the conduct, whether online or offline, of any user on Medflix.

14. Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights

14.1. Intellectual property rights of Medflix: The domain name, Website and the Apps are owned, registered and operated by Medflix, a product of Plexus Professionals Network Private Limited, a private company incorporated under the (Indian) Companies Act, 2013, and having its registered office at GF-1-2, Harikrupa Towers, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 380006, India.

  • The Medflix Platform (App and website), the processes, their selection and arrangement, including but not limited to all text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, videos, sounds, music, artwork, computer code on platform, design, structure, selection, coordination, expression, look and feel and arrangement of such content mentioned hereinabove is owned and controlled by Medflix and protected by copyright, patent and trademark laws, and various other national and international IPR laws and regulations. For clarity, content in the above sentence shall not include User Content.
  • Unless otherwise indicated or anything contained to the contrary, or any proprietary material owned by a third-party and so expressly mentioned, Medflix owns all IPR under the trademark “MEDFLIX” and the Medflix Platform.
  • The mark “Medflix” is the sole property of Medflix. Reproduction in whole or in part of the same is strictly prohibited unless used with express written permission from Medflix.
  • Further, any rights provided by the user (here creators) to Medflix regarding the content use (as mentioned in section 4.2) is also owned and controlled by Medflix and/or its content providers and other licensors, and are subject to protection under the relevant intellectual property laws throughout the world.
  • Any unauthorized conduct constitutes a violation of these terms and an infringement of the IPR of Medflix and/or its content providers or other licensors. Any such infringement or violation may subject you to civil and criminal liability and penalties under intellectual property laws throughout the world, including, without limitation, the payment of damages and attorneys’ fees.

14.2. Intellectual property rights of User: Medflix respects the intellectual property rights of others and desires to offer a platform that contains no content that violates those rights. Our User Agreement (Terms of Use & Privacy Policy) requires that the material you upload be accurate, lawful and not in violation of any rights of third parties. To promote this objective, Medflix provides a process for the submission of complaints concerning content posted by our Creators. Our policy and procedures for incident reporting are described and/or referenced in the sections that follow.

15. Incident Reporting and Copyright Complaint:

Pursuant to the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, Medflix has implemented procedures for receiving written notification of claimed infringements. Medflix has also designated an agent to receive notices of claimed copyright infringement (grievance officer). If you believe in good faith that your copyright has been infringed, You may download and print the Copyright Infringement Notice here: https://pxmd.co/Infringement-Notice and send the complete form to the Grievance Officer.

15.1. Grievance Officer: In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made thereunder, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:

Mr. Kinnar Shah
Address: GF-1-2, Harikrupa Towers, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad-380006, India
Phone: +91 (079) 26402040 | Timings: Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00
Email: support@medflix.app

15.2. Reply/Explanation: If you believe that a notice of copyright infringement has been improperly submitted against you, you may submit a Reply/ Explanation to the notice in writing to the Grievance Officer. Medflix will forward any complete counter-reply to the person who filed the original notice. The copyright owner(s) may elect to file a lawsuit against you for copyright infringement. If we do not receive notice that such a lawsuit has been filed within 10 business days after we provide notice of your counter-reply, we may restore the challenged materials. Until that time, your materials will remain removed. Your reply should contain (as applicable):

  • Your name and telephone number, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of Ahmedabad and to the clause mentioned in the User Agreement with regard to dispute redressal and Arbitration
  • A description of the material that was removed and the location on Medflix’s service where it previously appeared (e.g., the URL of a recording available in a club)
  • A statement UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification
  • A statement under penalty of perjury that you acknowledge the notice and have taken necessary steps to redress and protect the complainant’s concerns and interests
  • Your electronic or physical signature

15.3. Repeat Infringers: If you repeatedly infringe someone else’s intellectual property rights, such as copyrights or trademarks, your account may be disabled under Medflix’s repeat infringer policy. Under this policy, your ability to upload content or view content may be limited, and you could also lose access to certain features or functionality on Medflix. The actions taken under the policy may depend on the nature of the reported content and where it was posted. If something you posted is restored due to an appeal or because a rights owner withdrew their report, we’ll take that restoration into account under our repeat infringer policy.

15.4. Feedback: We welcome your feedback and suggestions about how to improve the Medflix Platform. Feel free to submit your feedback at support@medflix.app. By submitting feedback, you agree to grant us the right, at our discretion, to use, disclose and otherwise act productively upon your feedback, in whole or part, freely and without compensation to you.

15.5. Here’s what you should know about reporting another user for a Rule violation:

  • If you submit a report, we will not share your identity with the person you are reporting.
  • All reports that are submitted will be reviewed and investigated. The need for and type of corrective or disciplinary action needed will be determined on a case by case basis.
  • We strive to be fair, consistent, and responsive in addressing all reported incidents.
  • If the violation directly targeted you, we may share certain information about the process and resolution with you (e.g., the stage of an investigation, any concerns that you may be at risk for immediate harm, information on how the resolution could impact you).
  • Intentional, false reports of violations are treated as a violation of the Rules.

15.6. If another user has reported you for violating a Rule, here’s what you should know:

  • If a report has been filed against you, we may contact you with information about the nature of the report. We may keep some details private in order to protect the reporting user(s). If we are unable to reach you, we may restrict your account access temporarily until we are able to do so.
  • We will notify you of the result of the investigation and its potential impact on you.
  • If you believe a report has been falsely filed against you or you would like to appeal a decision, please contact us, including as much context as possible.
  • Any attempt to retaliate against users who participate in reporting or investigation is a violation.

15.7. If your account has been suspended, please follow this process for inquiry or appeal:

  • If your account is flagged for a potential violation of our Rules, your account may be temporarily or permanently restricted or removed from the platform.
  • If you believe your account did not violate our Rules, contact us at support@medflix.app. Please include your Medflix username, verified email address, registered mobile number and reference to the original decision notification you received.
  • Please keep the following in mind when submitting an appeal:
    • Decision appeals must originate from the user who received the notice.
    • Medflix does not accept nor consider appeals on behalf of another user.
  • Once you submit the appeal, Medflix will decide whether or not to review it based on the Rule violation in question. Please note that not all decisions are eligible for an appeal.

Consequences for confirmed violations may vary based on the type and severity of the violation, the impact to the victim(s), the historical actions of the offending user, and the intent of the actions.

16. About this Agreement

16.1. Modifying this Agreement: We may modify this Agreement, for example, to reflect changes to our Service or for legal, regulatory, or security reasons. We may add or remove functionalities or features, and we may suspend or stop a Service altogether. Medflix will provide reasonable advance notice (7 days) of any material modifications to this Agreement and the opportunity to review them except that, where legally permitted, modifications addressing newly available features of the Service or modifications made for legal reasons may be effective immediately without notice. Modifications to this Agreement will only apply going forward. If you do not agree to the modified terms, you should remove any Content you have uploaded and discontinue your use of the Service.

16.2. Severance: If your use of the Service ends, the following terms of this Agreement will continue to apply to you: “Intellectual Property Rights”, “Other Legal Terms”, “About This Agreement”, and “Confidentiality”.

16.3. No Waiver: If you fail to comply with this Agreement and we do not take immediate action, this does not mean that we are giving up any rights that we may have (such as the right to take action in the future).

16.4. Serving notice: You agree that Medflix may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to the Terms, by email, regular mail, or through the System.

16.5. Interpretation: In these terms, "include" or "including" shall be construed as being suffixed by the term "without limitation" and any examples we give are for illustrative purposes.

16.6. Governing Law: Subject to the Arbitration Clause above, these Terms and Conditions and all Policies and documents incorporated by reference shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of India and the Courts in Gujarat, India shall have exclusive jurisdiction. This document is an electronic record in terms of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

16.7. Use Outside of India: The Platform and the services are hosted on cloud servers. If You are a User accessing the Platform and Service from the European Union, United States of America, Latin America, Australia, Asia or any other region with laws or regulations governing personal data collection, use, and disclosure, that differ from Indian laws, please be advised that through Your continued use of the Platform, You expressly consent to that transfer and consent to be governed by Indian law for these purposes and the Policies and these Terms and Conditions, which are in turn governed by Indian law.

16.8. Applications and Mobile Devices: If you access the Medflix Platform through a Medflix application, you acknowledge that this Agreement is between you and Medflix only, and not with another application service provider or application platform provider (such as Apple Inc. or Google Inc.), which may provide you the application subject to its own terms. To the extent you access the Medflix Platform through a mobile device, your wireless carrier’s standard charges, data rates, and other fees may apply.

16.9. Assignment: You may not assign or transfer this Agreement (or any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement) without our prior written consent; any attempted assignment or transfer without complying with the foregoing will be void. We may freely assign or transfer this Agreement. This Agreement inures to the benefit of and is binding upon the parties and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns.

17. Application of the Agreement

These terms of the agreement, are the entire and exclusive agreement between Medflix and you regarding the Services (excluding any services for which you have a separate agreement with Medflix that is explicitly in addition or in place of these Terms), and these Terms supersede and replace any prior agreements between Medflix and you regarding the Services. Terms of this agreement shall be governed by and interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of India.


This document is published in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 that require publishing the COMMUNITY GUIDELINES, PRIVACY POLICY, COPYRIGHT POLICY, DISCLAIMER AND END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (THIS DOCUMENT) for access or usage of www.medflix.app and websites of apps thereto.



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Thank you!
Team Medflix :)

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