
Equally Effective: Study Validates Same-Day and Rapid ART in HIV Treatment

2 Jan 2024 • WHO has recommended same-day antiretroviral therapy (SDART) initiation since 2017. A first-of-its-kind real-world data from a developed country has demonstrated that same-day antiretroviral therapy (SDART) & rapid ART initiation (within 14 days of diagnosis) lead to similar rates of clinical outcomes & viral suppression (plasma HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/ml) at 12months.

  • 95% of people with HIV started ART within 14 days of HIV diagnosis in 2021-2022.
  • Both methods showed a 7.7% rate of composite unfavorable outcomes.

This study reaffirms the World Health Organization's recommendation for SDART and underscores its effectiveness even in developed country settings.

Source: IJID | Read full story

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