
Antiplatelet Medicine Administered Sooner After Stroke Treatment Greatly Enhances Recovery

2 Aug 2023 • A study presented at the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery's 20th Annual Meeting suggests that administering anti-platelet medication within 24 hours of mechanical thrombectomy, a procedure for stroke, may lead to better recovery and reduce the risk of additional strokes in high-risk patients.

The medication prevents blood clots by preventing platelets from sticking together, but it can also potentially cause brain bleeding if given soon after the procedure. To safely use the medication, researchers reviewed data from 190 patients who underwent the treatment and found that those who received anti-platelet medication within 24 hours of the procedure had significantly better physical independence at discharge and better physical functioning scores one month and three months after surgery.

There was no increased risk of brain bleeding observed in these patients.

Source: Medical Xpress | Read full story

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