
High-Protein vs. Normal-Protein Diets in T2D Management: Both Prove Effective in Glycemic Control

15 Sept 2023 • In a study published in the journal Obesity, researchers conducted a 52-week randomized trial involving 106 adults with Type 2 diabetes (T2D) who followed either a high-protein or normal-protein, energy-restricted diet. Notably, the high-protein diet recommended the inclusion of red meat, while the normal-protein diet excluded red meats. The results revealed that both dietary approaches were effective in improving glucose control, promoting weight loss, and positively impacting body composition in individuals with T2D.

In this multi-site, randomized controlled trial, 71 participants with T2D followed either a high-protein diet with red meat (constituting 40% of total calories from protein) or a normal-protein diet without red meat (containing 21% of total calories from protein) for 52 weeks. Both groups adhered to calorie-restricted diets aligned with the State of Slim weight management program and engaged in a structured exercise regimen of up to 70 minutes per day, six days per week. This research underscores the significance of weight loss as a primary factor in managing Type 2 diabetes and suggests that individuals have options to choose dietary patterns that suit their preferences while achieving positive health outcomes.

Lead author James O. Hill and co-author Drew Sayer emphasized that the study highlights the flexibility for individuals to choose a dietary pattern that aligns with their preferences and is sustainable for the long term. Importantly, the research showed that the primary factor in managing Type 2 diabetes is weight loss itself, irrespective of the specific composition of the diet, and that avoiding red meat did not provide any additional benefits in terms of weight loss or blood sugar control during the weight loss program.

Source: ScienceDaily | Read full story

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