
Can PCSK9 Antibodies Result in Better Coronary Plaque Regression in Statin - treated CAD Patients?

8 Sept 2023 • PCSK9 antibodies with high-density statins have demonstrated beneficial effects on cardiovascular clinical outcomes in CAD patients, according to existing evidence. However, the potent causes underlying these effects remain elusive.

A recent meta-analysis conducted by Sen Liu and colleagues has aimed to understand the reasons behind the observed cardiovascular benefits associated with PCSK9 antibodies and their impact on coronary plaque regression in statin-treated CAD patients.

After analysing a total of 9 studies comprising 7 RCTs and 2 non-RCTs with 2290 CAD patients, the following results were gathered:

  • Use of PCSK9 antibodies in statin-treated CAD patients was associated with reduction in IVUS- derived percent atheroma volume (PAV) and total atheroma volume (TAV).

-An increase in the incidence of PAV and TAV regression was also observed.

  • The combination therapy also resulted in a decrease in the Maximum Lipid Arc.

These findings which were mostly seen in Caucasian patients, revealed that the use of PCSK9 antibodies along with statins resulted in significantly greater coronary plaque regression and stabilization. Further studies are required to assess the effect on other subsets of population like Asian patients.

Source: International Journal of Cardiology | Read full story

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