iNCOVACC, intra nasal vaccine - A Game Changer in India!

18 Jan 2023 • The world's first intranasal vaccine for Covid-19, iNCOVACC, manufactured by Bharat Biotech, is expected to be available in hospitals by the end of January. Because demand for booster doses is still low, the vaccine will initially be available only at corporate hospitals in major cities. According to experts, it will be a game changer for India's pharmaceutical industry as well as humanity's fight against COVID. Because the vaccine is administered through the nose, right where the virus enters the body, it has the potential to prevent infection, break the transmission cycle, and prevent lung damage. Bharat Biotech's nasal vaccine is a heterologous booster. A heterologous booster is one that uses a different vaccine than the primary vaccine. This nasal vaccine is a replication-deficient adenovirus vectored vaccine with a pre-fusion stabilised spike protein that can be easily stored and distributed at temperatures ranging from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.

Source: Business Today | Read full story

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