
A Deep Dive into the Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Renal Denervation for Blood Pressure Reduction

6 Apr 2024 • Renal denervation (RDN) has been developed as a novel treatment for hypertension. A recent meta-analysis showed sustained blood pressure reduction after RDN, but with ongoing use of multiple antihypertensive medications.

  • In order to understand long-term effects of RDN, investigators pooled mean results from studies with as long as 10 years of follow-up.
  • RDN was associated with clinically significant blood pressure reductions in both observational and randomized, sham-controlled studies.
  • Antihypertensive drug burden did not change significantly between baseline and follow-up assessments.
  • RDN was not associated with an adverse effect on renal function beyond what would be expected with aging.

The data on RDN continue to show clinically significant blood pressure reduction, and this analysis offers comforting data on long-term efficacy and safety.

Source: NEJM J-Watch | Read full story

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