Mammography Powered AI Keeps Up With Doctors In Cancer Detection
3 Aug 2023 • In this study published in the Lancet Oncology, 80,033 women were randomly assigned to two groups: AI-supported screening (40,003 participants) and double reading without AI (40,030 participants).
- The median age of the participants was 54.0 years. AI-supported screening resulted in 244 screen-detected cancers, 861 recalls, and a total of 46,345 screen readings. Standard screening resulted in 203 screen-detected cancers, 817 recalls, and a total of 83,231 screen readings.
- The cancer detection rate in the AI-supported group was 6.1 per 1000 screened participants, slightly above the lowest acceptable limit for safety, while it was 5.1 per 1000 in the standard screening group.
Most of the cancers detected in both groups were invasive, with the AI-supported group having 75% invasive and 25% in situ cancers, and the standard screening group having 81% invasive and 19% in situ cancers.
The use of AI in mammography screening reduced the screen-reading workload by 44.3% while maintaining a similar cancer detection rate, indicating that AI can be safely used in mammography screening to improve efficiency.
Source: Lancet | Read full story