
Doctors Required to State Reasons for Antibiotic Use as Indian Health Ministry Tightens Rules

23 Jan 2024 • India's Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has raised concerns about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and urged doctors and pharmacists to follow prescription guidelines.

  • Doctors must specify the 'indication, reason, and justification' when prescribing antimicrobials, which encompass antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, & antiparasitics.
  • Not only doctors but pharmacists have also been told to "implement Schedule H and H1 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules and sell antibiotics only on valid prescriptions. It is important that doctors mention the exact indication on their prescriptions while prescribing antimicrobials," according to the letter from Dr. Atul Goel, the Director General of Health Services.
  • Antibiotics are to be dispensed only with a prescription from a registered medical practitioner.

Source: CNBC | Read full story

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