Kerala Women Doctors to take up self-defense classes!

9 Mar 2023 • Women doctors in medical colleges have made the decision to learn self-defense skills in response to the recent surge in hospital attacks. The first group to receive training will be the female doctors at Thiruvananthapuram Medical College, where a female doctor was abused by bystanders in November last year. On occasion of International Women’s Day, this decision was announced. According to Dr. Rosnara Begum, the state general secretary of the Kerala Government Medical College Teachers Association (KGMCTA), the increase in attacks against doctors and the administrative systems' lack of interest in dealing with the crimes have prompted the women doctors to sign up for self-defense training. Other medical colleges in the state will now be included in the training sessions, according to KGMCTA. The Kerala Sports Council and Kerala Police will train the medics in self-defense. The initiative is run in collaboration with the Swasti Fund and KGMCTA.

Source: The New Indian Express | Read full story

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