
Limited Role of X-Rays in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis

10 Nov 2023 • Current recommendations suggest that patients with newly presenting arthritis suspected of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) should undergo routine radiographs of hands and feet (X-HF) as the presence of RA-associated erosions might be of diagnostic and prognostic value. The diagnostic value of X-rays of hands and feet (X-HF) in patients with newly appearing arthritis suspected of rheumatoid arthritis was questioned in a recent study, given the minimal occurrence of early erosive disease and the absence of significant diagnostic and prognostic benefits.

With just 4.4% of 724 patients displaying these erosions, there's a call to rethink the routine use of X-HF in suspected RA cases.

The recommendation of conducting routine X-HF in patients with newly presenting arthritis suspected of RA might be reconsidered, due to low prevalence of early erosive disease and lack of diagnostic and prognostic value.

Source: Athritis Care & Research | Read full story

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