
India Declared 'Cancer Capital of the World', Witnesses Fastest Rise in Cases Globally

8 Apr 2024 • The recent 'Health of Nation' report by Apollo Hospitals drew attention to the sharp increase in cancer cases in India, with individuals being diagnosed at younger ages.

Key findings from Health of Nation 2024 report:

  • Not only is there a sharp rise in the number of cancer cases in India, but their average age of incidence has also gotten significantly younger.
  • Most common cancers in order of occurrence in India are Breast, Cervix and Ovary in women and Lung, Mouth and Prostate in Men.
  • The median age for cancer diagnosis in India is lower than other countries.
  • Despite these trends, cancer screening rates in India remain very low.
  • Prevalence of obesity is rapidly growing, and it is also increasingly emerging as the most common risk factor for all chronic NCDs -Hypertension incidence increased from 9% in 2016 to 13% in 2023. 2 of 3 Indians are also moving toward high pressure, with 66% in pre-hypertensive stage. -1 in 10 people have uncontrolled diabetes today and 1 in 3 are prediabetic.

Source: Apollp | Read full story

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