
New American College of Gastroenterology Guidelines Address Management of Alcoholic Liver Disease

5 Jan 2024 • The recently released guidelines on Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease (ALD) highlighted its prominence as a leading cause of advanced hepatic conditions worldwide, driven by escalating alcohol consumption.

  • The spectrum covered asymptomatic liver injury to severe cases of Alcohol-Associated Hepatitis (AH) with a notable mortality risk.
  • The guidelines emphasized the utility of the Model for End Stage Disease (MELD) score in assessing AH severity and identified corticosteroids as the singular proven therapy for severe cases.
  • The challenge of achieving alcohol abstinence was underscored, necessitating a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach that integrates hepatology, addiction medicine, and social work.
  • For advanced cirrhosis, the guidelines suggested considering liver transplantation, contingent upon careful patient selection to minimize the risk of post-transplant alcohol relapse.

Source: American Journal of Gastroenterology | Read full story

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