
Increased Risk of Neurodevelopmental Impairment Seen in SARS-CoV-2 Exposed Infants

6 Dec 2023 • Investigation of the effects of in-utero exposure to maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection has revealed that infants exposed to COVID-19 in unvaccinated mothers faced an elevated risk of experiencing neurodevelopmental delays and impairment.

  • The subdomains of fine motor and personal-social exhibited the highest susceptibility to delays.
  • 10% of infants exposed to the virus displayed abnormal results in cranial sonography.
  • 20.3% of infants exposed to COVID-19 during pregnancy in unvaccinated mothers experienced neurodevelopmental delays within the first 12 months of life, a stark comparison to the 5.9% in the control group.
  • The exposed group also exhibited a worrisome 35.7% prevalence of neurodevelopmental impairment at 4 months, 7% at 6 months, and 32.1% at 12 months.

Source: IJID | Read full story

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