Here’s what's new in the WHO recommendations for HPV vaccination schedule

16 Jan 2023 • WHO has updated its recommendations for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and now recommends : -> A one or two-dose schedule for girls aged 9-14 years -> A one or two-dose schedule for girls and women aged 15-20 years -> Two doses with a 6-month interval for women older than 21 years Of particular note, the paper states that a single-dose schedule, referred to as an alternative, off-label single–dose schedule can provide a comparable efficacy and durability of protection to a two-dose regimen. The recommendation for alternative single-dose scheduling was initially made by WHO’s independent expert advisory group, SAGE in April 2022. Between 2019 and 2021, coverage of the first dose of HPV vaccination fell by 25% to 15%. The optimization of the HPV schedule is expected to improve access to the vaccine.

Source: WHO | Read full story

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