
8-Hour Time-Restricted Eating Linked to a 91% Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Death

19 Mar 2024 • An analysis of over 20,000 U.S. adults found that people who limited their eating across less than 8 hours per day, a time-restricted eating plan, were more likely to die from cardiovascular disease compared to people who ate across 12-16 hours per day.

  • People who followed a pattern of eating all of their food across less than 8 hours per day had a 91% higher risk of death due to cardiovascular disease.
  • Among people with existing cardiovascular disease, an eating duration of no less than 8 but less than 10 hours per day was also associated with a 66% higher risk of death from heart disease or stroke.
  • Time-restricted eating did not reduce the overall risk of death from any cause.
  • Study participants were followed for a median length of 8 years and maximum length of 17 years.

Previous research has found that time-restricted eating improves several cardiometabolic health measures, such as blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol levels. “Overall, this study suggests that time-restricted eating may have short-term benefits but long-term adverse effects.", the study authors said.

Source: AHA | Read full story

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