
Mitigating CVD Risk in the Postpartum Period After Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: AHA Scientific Statement

17 Feb 2024 • The latest AHA guidelines recommend key measures for reducing CVD risk following adverse pregnancy outcomes like preeclampsia.

The following are key points to remember from an American Heart Association Scientific Statement on opportunities in the postpartum period to reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk after adverse pregnancy outcomes:

  • Individuals with adverse pregnancy outcomes also have an increased incidence of CVD risk factors after delivery.
  • It may be reasonable to consider postpartum BP goals based on those established for nonpregnant, age-matched individuals. Ideal BP is <120/80 mm Hg with a BP goal of <130/80 mm Hg for patients with treated chronic hypertension.
  • Women with gestational diabetes should be screened for dysglycemia at 4-12 weeks’ postpartum with a 2-hour 75-g oral glucose tolerance test.
  • Glucose screening with hemoglobin A1c or fasting glucose should be considered within the first year postpartum for those who do not complete an oral glucose tolerance test.
  • Checking a lipid panel within the first year postpartum to establish a baseline is reasonable to screen for familial hypercholesterolemia and for assessment of atherosclerotic CVD risk.
  • AHA recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week in the postpartum period.

Source: ACC | Read full story

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