
New Study Shows Excellent Long-term Survival After SAVR

23 Oct 2023 • Among real-world patients undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement, 5-year survival averages almost 93%. The study, published in the The Annals of Thoracic Surgery demonstrates outstanding long-term survival following low-risk isolated surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR).


  • Researchers reviewed 42,586 patients who underwent low-risk isolated SAVR between 2011 and 2019 at 981 different cardiac surgery programs and the assessment relied on evidence from The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) National Database. The STS National Database, with nearly 10 million patient records, is the largest and most comprehensive clinical registry for cardiothoracic disease in the US.
  • All patients in the study were classified as low risk for SAVR mortality as defined by the STS predicted risk of operative mortality (PROM ≤ 4%). Overall, 92.9% survived after five years, and the eight-year survival was close to 90%.

The most recent mid-term results from the PARTNER 3 and Evolut Low-Risk trials comparing risk of death and stroke from SAVR and TAVR are expected to be released in the coming weeks. As there have been some concerns raised regarding the representativeness of these trials, the current study was performed to establish real-world long-term results from SAVR to serve as a benchmark for outcomes.

There remains absolutely no doubt that TAVR is an excellent primary option for patients of higher risk or advanced age. The aim of this study was to specifically evaluate patients of low risk, and this revealed that longitudinal outcomes of SAVR in this specific population are outstanding", said senior study author Dr. Vinay Badhwar.

Source: The Society of Thoracic Surgeons | Read full story